Hochman N, Reben A. (2019) The Grid: Connecting Artists and Technologists - A Stakeholder Analysis. Published by EUNIC Silicon Valley, San Francisco, CA
Hochman N, Manovich L. (2015) A View From Above: Exploratory Visualizations of the Thomas Walther Collection. Published as part of the exhibition PHOTO:OBJECT at MoMA, NYC.
Hochman N. (2014) The Social Media Image. Big Data and Society Journal. July-September 2014.
Hochman N, Manovich L, Yazdani M. (2014) On Hyper-Locality: Performances of Place in Social Media. Presented at the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM 2014).
Schwartz R., Hochman N. (2014) The Social Media Life of Public Spaces: Reading Places Through the Lens of Geo-Tagged Data. in: Locative Media. Wilken, R., Goggin, G. (Eds.). New York: Routledge.
Hochman N., Manovich L. (2013) Zooming into an Instagram City: Reading the local through social media. In First Monday (July 2013).
Hochman N., Manovich L. (2013) Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Social Patterns in Instagram Photos. In proceedings of the GeoHCI Workshop in conjunction with ACM CHI 2013. Paris, France, April 2013.
Hochman N., Schwartz R. (2012) Visualizing Instagram: Tracing Cultural Visual Rhythms. The Workshop on Social Media Visualization (SocMedVis) in conjunction with The Sixth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-12). Dublin, Ireland, June 2012.
Hochman N. (2009) Curing—On Erez Israeli's Works. In: Nathan Gottesdiener Israeli Art Prize 2009 catalogue, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, pp. 12-17; 34-39